Saturday, November 3, 2007
Late in my updates
On 18th October I came back from office work(by the way, I'm working as a permanent part timer in a marketing firm, and 18th was my last day of work before my 2 weeks leave off from office) to discover that 500kg of baby clothes + kids clothings (with a whooping cost of more than $8000 excluding shipping cost ).has arrived at my home...gosh was I shocked by the amt of my own know how light a piece of baby wear is right..imagine 500kg of them, they do take up a whole lot of space ! And my #$^%&^( small house don't have that type of space...So on 19th early morning I set out to do my delivery with a lorry man and we finished delivering more than half of the goods arrived.
Chris was devastated that I had not waited for him to finish work and do the delivery together..But I can't imagine delivering so so so so many clothes after 6pm...Madness
After the delivery madness on 19th Oct, I set off to Genting for a short holiday with my family and Christ to meet up with Christ's sister on the very next day , waking up at 6:00am..#@$#%^& Though I must say, I had a really great time in Genting~~~~ won Rm500 from the casino..Tried the crazy plunging ride again..When it was halfway going up..I couldn't help but exclaim out loud :"Why the hell did I take this ride, Please let me Down !!!!!!!!!!!!!". Gosh there's some kinda love + hate between me n that horrendously thrilling ride. I think I can't take the scary theme park rides available in the European countries and in Korea, since I'm so god damn scared by that one in genting. But come on, a woman went up on it, and came down in tears.So I'm considered great. While I was waiting to take that ride, I recalled a trip to genting with my Sun yous during my Poly Year 1 days. How fun that was! I remember sitting with philbert and Adeline while we were slowly raised up into the sky n plunged down in a matter of seconds. I missed my #$%$&( sun yous)
We took the coach back together with Christ's sis, she stayed at my house for the following 8 days during her vacation to Singapore, so you can picture me playing tour guide around tourists attractions...ZzZZzzz
After 10 days of tour guiding, we sent her to Changi airport and she took the flight home. And I was left to face the remaining of stocks. And most disgustingly , my boss called to tell me to return to work the very next day which is 1st November, I've got unfinished assignment as well. but because I simply love $ , I went back to the office.
My daily routine involves doing delivery, liasing with existing clients for re orders.working 9am to 6pm in office, rush assignment ,talking with mum n dad + sleeping. My weekend routine = rush more assignments from school, go around expanding our client with Christ.
Seems like not much of a life eh ? But my comfort is that I have managed to get back every single cent of the bloody cost of goods and shipping costs as well, and we r seeing a small profit, with quite an amt of goods to be sent out.
Still I can't wait to complete my studies + hang out with my dearest friends and resume normal dating activities with my darling . Bring mum n Dad on holidays as well. Blah blah blah...
No more to update except that I'm getting out of the house with the van man n Christ to make more deliveries.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
WaWa in Dogster
I miss her soooooo much..though she is the laziest living creature I ever come across.
(I mean she is even lazier than Sunny, (a friend of mine whom equates to the word lazy in my dictionary)I think she is the queen of laziness)
That doesnt mean that she is not smart, Infact her intelligence level is similar to that of a Genius
I miss adorable WAWA
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sis Bday
If she had not fallen sick, or if she had fell sick and recovered , the 2 of us might have alot of quarrels everyday, but thats not too bad as compared to one for me to talk and squabble with when I step out of my room.
I miss u dearly , Jie Jie. So do Mama and Papa.
Hope you are in a nice place playing with Angels
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My 21st Bday
Friends who were disgusting sweet, organised and arranged to come to my house to celebrate my bday for me. Aww I'm so lucky to have these darlings..but the best part is I had not one group of these darlings..
(Everyone knows we 2 are much prettier in real than shown on this pic....(damn the photographer.))
3rd and final one is from my Prince Charming of course~
Presents ~~~
Mum and Dad gave the ever popular classical present(ang paos+well wishes) Mum added in a pair of diamond earrings too..hmm she sure is generous hehehehehehehehe
The rest =
Vouchers from Alex + grp
Friday, September 21, 2007
Night out with my family before op
Eating at 1 of my fave dining places - Swissotel Merchant court
Candid shot for mum, but dad's well prepared
The boat took us along the eastern outskirts of Singapore...From Marina to Marine Parade then Changi, following the sea route along East Coast times I've looked out to the sea of ECP enjoying the land breeze and that night I was actually on the waters, looking at ECP and enjoying the sea breeze. Thouroughly comfy ~ The boatman gave us a feel of excitment by travelling back to the pier @ top speed and I could hardly balance myself without falling down..I miss the cool wind~
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
1st Operation
I've had smaller operations before, so small that although it was performed in the operation theatre, the doc did not bother to put me to sleep for 20 minutes even.
This time will be the first whereby enough anesthetic will be injected into my body to cause me to lose conciousness totally. I certainly do pray that they put enough..cos nothing could be a worst nightmare than waking up to find some fellas cutting up your abdomen.
After the short paragraphs of update, one can imagine only how ecstatic I'm feeling right now.
Why I'm having the op 4 damn days before my 21st bday ? well bcos Her Majesty thinks so , and nothing can make her change her mind...which doesnt bother me too much as I've never beeen a bday celebrating craze...But when I'm back I would like to dedicate another entry to the past great bdays I've had and needless to say all were arranged by my sweetest darling friends instead of by Lazy pat!!!! Muackx
I've got tons of update before this op actually, e.g my jakarta trip or my big meal before the op, Dad bring us out on surprise boat crusing along Marina Bay ...
But no time for that cos I'm supposed to report to the hospital in 40 minutes time and I haven't changed , running late now . Be back soon.
(Oh and thanks to the ever insistent and sweet souls who asked repeatedly to visit, I appreciate the kind thoughts, but I dun feel like seeing anyone in hospital, let's arrange to go out after I get home)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thanks to all my dearest darlings !
Besides those darlings of course there is darling pa,ma n darling ben dan who is getting chubby. Pa and ma took me to the doctor's regularly even though my condition is nothiong major, they still treat me with the utmost care...Awwww..Mama squuezes fresh fruit juice every morning..sometimes..she plucks out some leaves from our neighbour's plants and give me yucky bitter leave juice...ewwww..but cos she cares cares so much, I finished every yucky drop..O GOD! Then there's papa who always work hard (spend hard as well lol) for the family, always tempting me by offering me some allowance..which is truly hard to resist lor.
And my chubby who used to be skinny is the most patient, kind, generous man I've ever met !
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My 1st BIG order - Yabadabadu ~
An order for 300 dozens of infant wear. (the other party drove a really hard bargain & got a BIG FAT discount..cutting our profit by another 20%...)
But as Christ's sister in Jakarta has also taken in many large orders, we would have to join the queue and wait...
Though our products are not like rompers or really fashionable but for the middle class babies, I think they are a great option..u haven't seen any of those hideous baby clothes the hdb retail are selling have you?
Let's hope the whole range can sell well ~
As they are really cheap...Might not be the most classy of styles but it's a start
I would be on the afternoon flight to Jakarta, hope to be able to scout for somemore goodies to bring back .
hopefully other kids fashion as well...some feedback is that we should just stick to basic infant answer is NO Way..Babies need beautiful clothes at affordable prices tooo ! And I needa earn a decent income without commiting 8 hours a day
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I got my first order ~
I've gotten the samples last week , took down orders from several shops.
Though the orders are not gigantic...I'm over the moon ! I'm thinking of expanding this micro business...But I lack $ to bring in bigger shipment, in order for shipping to be cost effective , I should ship a larger volume each round..but I lack $ to take in so much goods... don't want to borrow from parents or boyfriend or anyone else. Actually I wanted to sell all my stocks and put the $ into the goods..but I bought the stocks under Mum's account..surely she will not be agreeable to me selling them...
I need to raise the capital in short short no choice go back to work casio in the coming COMEX..God bless that I make a decent amount of $ in the 4days...grrr..I do hate the pressure to earn $ at times...
I'm excited that the shops I've been to, are interested to buy what I bring in. That nod of approval is what keeps me going.
I will be thrifty! I will raise the money
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Getting into business?'s boring ! stability comes with hardwork..BUT so does stagnancy..even if u are senior manager and hmm 45 years old..still have to go to office everyday..of course, if you are able to enjoy what you will be a happy person..
BUT..I just dun like to work the same amount of hours everyday..surely everyone wants to have control over their own time, me included. So I've always have the thought that I will go into business, as I've heard uncountable stories of how some people ONLY have the business thought but do not carry them out, I really don't want to join their club in this. So I the age of 17(in year 2003), I joined with my best friend and her sister to start a t-shirt printing businesss...Result? NOT successful..and my whole poly year 1 classmates suffered with a piece of the product..but I'm sure they are good hearted about this..thou I still get ugly naggy reminders from Mr sun n Mr khoo about my failure from time to time ..after that, I was a bit depressed and my morale did go deep low..yet that did not kill the 'entrepreneur spirit' inside me year 2006 I started a tution co-ordinating 'agency' ...abusiness that I didn't even bother to register. With the help of my buddies Sunny and Eric, the website is set up-- ..From then till now, it has been in operation for close to a number of deals co-ordinated by me = 26. Average I do 2 deals a month...and that damn small lah...reason ? I'm lazy..never advertise properly...But still it does provide me with a meagre 200 bucks of pocket $ each month. A few months back, I was toying with the idea of setting up a snack stall like so many others has done , but without a single encouragement or nod of approval from family and friends, I'm not brave enough to start..and I do forsee that I'm still not mature nor responsible enough to take on a 'project' of that capacity.
After loads of considerations of the types of businesses I can try..I've decided to embark on importing and distribution of infant clothings.I've contacted my suppliers from overseas..have received the samples..done a local market survey,(still lots more work to be done) before my plans can be launched. But I'm working fast at it..
I shall try to do a regular update on my new business attempt in this blog so as to remind myself not to give up halfway. And also hope to inspire friends/readers of this blog to explore more options of income..though I've not yet succeeded but I'm trying and I would be happy to rcv comments from people who share the same thinking.E.g How adeline and Mr Sun's car accessories selling is coming along.How adeline and Jy's PSP selling is coming along. Or even the things that other friends/readers do. that I'm not aware of.. Okok..basically I'm just kaypoh.
More updates on how my latest attempt at business will be posted...
Monday, August 20, 2007
I've deferred a sem in my school..cos I'm not able to keep up with the work (that's an excuse) whatever the reason...the truth is I'm an ass who deferred a sem in my studies...and I would have to confess to my mum soon as She is expecting me to complete my Bachelor studies this January and I won't be able to do that...Grrr..
No I didnt fail anything...Its out of laziness, dread..I deferred a sem..dumb me...
Soon I would have to face the consequences...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Spoilt cam, office work with Del
I'v been working with Adel for a week now..doing simple office job at Raffles place..Very relaxing, meet her in the morning , go work together...gossip about everything under the sun..Reach work..sit opposite each on some work..Ta Da and its lunch time..Foood Food.. 2 greedies go in search of food and before u know it..its time to knock offf.Good pay...nice work..good company...not a second was I bored with the job..after I can gossip every single minute with Del..wat more to ask for? Hehe Thank YOU to the black piggy =)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Guys who spoils my appetite
Does the same things he does with his ex ,with his new girlfriend...
well I can understand that after all Singapore is small..but surely we have a great variety of restaurants for a guy to choose from..don't have to bring his girlfriend to a place he frequents with his ex right...duh...
99% of girls are chocolate lovers..but kindly don't buy your ex's fave brand of chocs for your new girl..go explore..take A look...try something else..I mean its not nice if 2 regulars bump into each other at a small chocolate shop..with that thought....aewww
Have some creativity guys, girls like to feel special...nobody would say I'm perfectly blissful dining at a restaurant u and ur ex frequents or..wooo I simply love the chocs that your ex love too... So get it ?
**The above post is not intended to target at anyone ...But should it appear in anyway similar to anyone's current's a mere COINCIDENCE ...but YESH it means that person is indeed the disgusting one(if he could even bring himself to admit to least that's cool) .
*To my buddy gossipers..dun say anything to spoil my already begone reputation oki ?
Friday, August 10, 2007
Pre National Day celebration
The place is pretty but rather small, crowd is cool..very few groping banglas..actually I tink there were none..We played drinking games and when we had just about enough's dancing time~ By 3:30am..we were alll Laper (stands for famished) so it's Lau Pat Sat..fried rice, ju-ju, satay, gong gong, fried chicken,sotong fritters...mhhmmm
Think I wanna go to Attica next wednesday again..but awaiting approval from my Mister
Friday, August 3, 2007
During my last holiday in Jakarta, under the urging of Christ I became a donut critic ..Christ gathered donuts from Krispy Kremeeeeeeeeee, J.CO & Dunkin Donuts all on a table for me to sample and review them...Sad to say the Dunkin Donuts that I grew up with tasted the least delicious among the 3... 2nd place is Jakarta's own homegrown branding J.Co donuts(they've made it real big over there) and my personal favourite has gotta be KRISPY KREMEEEEE ...sweet and crispy on the outside..soft and melt in your mouth on the inside ...mmmm...Chris not too happy with the he is a loyal fan of J.Co ..he practically raves about J.CO everyday at lunch ..hehehe
Anyway..I was groaning about why Singapore doesn't have any of this delicious yummy donuts? Afterall we are supposed to be the food heaven in the region..and when I return..I found out that we have..It's called Donut factory, opened by some Pakistanese...and the queue is astounding!!!!!! 3 hours is what I hear...GOD DAMN IT ..I'm not gonna queue 3 hours for some bloody donuts...Are this people mad?
Few days back I walked past the branch of Donut Factory in Suntec...the queue is scary at least 80 people in it...leads all the way from the shop to the toilet itself...till people have no place to stand..and some of the queuers there tell me that this is relatively short compared to the one in RafflesCity %$&^*&*( the rate this goes, I will be unable to try these donuts...hmmphh)Thats when christ spot a 2nd que that has only 8 persons in it...we quickly joined that que before asking around the reason for the short que...which is if u join this que, u can buy drinks and coffeee take a seat at their seating area and buy up to 2 donuts per person...They've got a LIMIT ! Those queuers at the long kill are thinking of at least 1-5 boxes...12 - 60 donuts each...thats why they rather stand and continue to wait ..the problem is christ is a donut freak and he wanted to eat 4 donuts while I wanted when it was time to place our orders..we pleaded with the waitress about our love for donuts and she kindly granted 1 more donut to us..a total of 5..alrite we r pathetic here..begging to buy
Beaware ! He is a ice cream + donut + chocolate monster !
Mmmm..Donut Factory is yummy ! especially their double chocolate..white choc on the top of the crispy donut skin..soft donut bread and right in the centre of it is dark choc flowing out with every bite...Ahhhhhhhh I prefer krispy kremeee to donut factory..Christ still thinks J.Co serves the best donuts in the world but we both agree that in Singapore itself, Donut Factory has gotta be the tastiest !
However their serving system sucks...krispy kreme and J.Co both has the same amount of customers as Donut Factory, but their serving system as well as donut production is 5 times faster at least ...buck up on it Donut Factory ~
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Saturday 28/07/07
because...someone refuses to take me out and perchd his ben dan face in front of the lap top !
so I do what I'm best at to get a chance to go out ..and that is...
And as I've long discovered...
acting cute can be very DEADLY contagious~
I've won ~ we head out to Geylang Ho Kee Pau for some yummy dim sum then to Esplanade to catch a wonderful live band performance
Blur pics due to lousy lighting , lousy cam..nothing to do with subjects captured ok !
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tsai Qin concert
She will be performing on 18 august at Singapore Indoor stadium..Most of the uncles aunties are fans for her..So if you've got some cash to spare..giver ur parents a treat..for most of our parents will never fork out money for a good concert...but they have willingly given us pocket $ all these don't be a miser
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
1ST skin peeling facial
While I did my chemical peel @ Orchard point, her Majesty goes to Orchard shaw towers to collect some of her new jewelry(lucky woman !) When we have completed our respective task..we meet back at Takashimaya for our high tea dim sum..this must be the everyday events for those tai tais hmmph..go shopping, buy jewelry, do facial and putting cute n yummy little har kows n siew mais into their mouths ~~ Yum yum ~Grrr...much as I want to be a useful contribution to the society..I must admit that the lifestyle of a tai tai is truly tempting....hehehe
Friday, July 20, 2007
Reached new peak - WEIGHT
Cycling @ ECP
They shared a double bike...
I tried it too~
Can u see how much Sinca is sweating ? (it's weird!)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Summary of the past 1 week
..besides that..I have been through 3 ultrasound scans in a week ! @$$#%$^%& and another 1 yesterday..which makes 4 ultrascan in a span of 8 days...$#%$$^%$&*^*
The ultrascan results shows that there is something in my body which shouldn't be there..for all those out there..don't worry ..its not a terminally serious either.
From my point of is something that can be easily taken care of..and I'm still trying to figure out why the goddamn bloody $#%^^& made me go through so much scans..waste so much of my time and not to forget $$$ ! I love my $$$$ please stop making me go through so much nonsense to take them away from me assholes...grrr... Besides $ ..these stuffs is also making my mum real worried...and I do hate myself a teeny weeny bit for it..but to get rid of this sense of guilt..I shall point the finger to the indecisive doctors.
Out of these 4 scans, 3 are done in private clinics and private hospitals because mum thinks that the private hospital will provide more efficient service and will have better + newer equipments as they cost the WORLD! well..out of 3 points..mum is right on 1..regrettably its the last point..they really do cost the WORLD!! As for newer comments..hmm..efficiency..NO WAY! I waited at least 1 hour before I'm allowed into the scanning I'm supposed to keeep a full bladder before the scan..My bladder was almost on the edge of bursting..u all know how great that feeling is right ?!!! $R%^%&^*(%
I thought that after charging me so much..the private hospitals,specialist clinics..wateva u call those medical price jackers ..will have the decency to not make me wait as if I were visiting a polyclinic and paying less than one tenth of wat I am.. But no...its the same..just wait! Wait ..wait..and continue to wait there ok ?
I decided I has enough of waiting on my second visit...sttod up, and told mum that I'm going to the neighbourhood polyclinic to get these tests done..I rather pay 10 bucks and wait 4 hours each time..instead of pay 100 bucks and wait 3hours upon each visit..mum stopped me and told me that it's not a matter of 3,4 or even 6 hours of waiting..but to go to a polyclinic to take these tests..I have to 1st queue 2 hours, see a GP, tell him wat test I wanna do, he will then book me the nearest appointment..which probably will be somewhere 2 months later..then I go for the test..wait 3 days for the result, come back to the polyclinic, take a que number and wait another 2 hours to see the GP,if the results shows that there is something unwelcomed in my body, the GP would refer me to SGH and get me an appointment with a doctor there..By going through this system, I would be termed as a subsidised patient..I would not have to pay the docs at the hospital at least $150 for each consultation...but as there are already god knows how many subsidised patients infront of me..mum says it would not be strange if I'm given a date thats 3 months from the time I get my report..Which means if I go to the polyclinic and que last week..I would save myself about $600 in total but have to wait 6 months before I can consult the doctor to handle the unwelcomed guest in my body ....
6 months is a long time to wait...and thou that unwelcomed guest is seemingly harmless right now..I might not be able to say the same 6 months I sat down and continue to wait patiently..After all the hoo haaa in the private specialists blah blah, I'm referred to SGH yesterday..hey I'm lucky u know..if I go thru the polyclinic, its a 6 months its only 7 days + 3 scans...I tot that now its good, I'm at a govt I should be charged lesser..NO ! as I never come thru the polyclinic way(wait 6 months, till dunno wat happens to me) I cant be subsidised..I have to pay $100 for 15 mins consultation $80 for another scan and $132 for 5 blood test results..after paying so there a solution finally? NO! Doc says wait and see...
Now I believe in wat some uncles aunties who sit at the coffee shop this this are not allowed to be sick unless u are $#^%86&* rich
Now to express the gratitude that I'm feeling constantly, I'm blessed to have caring loving parents who fuss over me..fortunate that life always find one way or another for me to make $$$$..blissful with a loving usual overwhelmed simply by thinking of how much I really do love my friends ~
Continue to wait ....wait..wait....
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Gelare waffle with yaga & Del
Congrats to Mr Willie for making it through on his 1st attempt for class 3 driving license.. He is now the proud owner of both class 2B and 3 license..while poor me n del have nothing under our names yet...nvm .. I do believe we were born to be ferried around anyway ~ hehehe
Many regrets for not being able to stay dummy santoso has terrible toothache and Super duper blurrr dumbass aka ME carried his medicine + painkillers in my gotta go pass it to him..before his oh-so-impt tooth rots,get infected or lest he dies of pain *rolls eyes...anyway Its my fault !
Monday, July 2, 2007
Indo cusine @ Lucky Plaza
And I did not regret the decision one bit ..It was delicious..The ayam bakar which I anticipated to be dry and hard was not ! It was soft, tender smooth..The sauce was Wooooo!
I ordered an extra dish..cos I've been missing it alot alot since I returned to Sg from indo..That is Ley ley (a type of fish that eats anything)
I hardly see Ley ley sold in Sg at when I see it no way I will miss it..hehe Its fried till crispy and crunchy, without the oily feel + black sweet sauce and sambal ! Yum Yum
After that 6 of us went to bowl a couple of games at Marina Square..Ahh I do miss bowling ...Although I haven't bowled for a long time, my bowling skills haven't deproved at all..An average of 100 in 2'm not that lousy eh.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Some clarifications aka CRAPPING
正所谓得人恩果千年记,而我又是那么一个有原则的人, so don't just happens that I'm currently do u call it...XP? being xtra-pwned..if I were to admit it myself...grrr..for one who has never been in this situation's rather tough...maybe I should learn from previous masters such as Eric,Mr Sun and 1 more XP in the making from what I gather could be Mr He...Anyway the point is...I shall not give in to this ok...I shall reverse the situation in 1 week's time from then you shall be seeing so much of me..maybe u wanna kick me out of your sight.
Of course there's always the considerations of Mrs Lim...who is forever in mood swings...God bless me with immense patience to deal with these delicate situations ...Amen.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Hanging out after my exams
Cheers for the 3 housemates
I'm turning red
Oh man ..this guy's a goner..while I can still try my best at looking pretty Hehehe...Poor christ suffered the penalty of 3 shots at a time + carry the saucepan..Whahahahaha
I'm amazed by how much Sinca can drink..I think I've yet to witness any1 drink as much as him..Brrrrr....Of course he became quite wasted for the whole of Sunday...whahahahaa
Friday, June 22, 2007
Lazy blogger
Ahh..good luck to myself for my paper tonight
Monday, June 18, 2007
How long have we been together ? Not that long...hehe
Anyway..the highlight of the day is that I'm the cook !
Mum's off to Deisaru for the weekend with her I am free to use the kitchen however I like....
The final product
We went to the reservoir after his work to enjoy our delicious dinner together ~
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wii + Katong laksa
From his silly expression, u should know how much he enjoys my recommendation for