My ben dan honey had to go to the office to finish up sommore work before he can come take me to the airport we booked the 6p.m flight from Changi airport. At 3:30 p.m ben Dan come to my house with his luggage to pick me up, and my godly mum invite him in for some soup+ followed us to the airport. ( Think she wants to spend more time with me before I leave her for my holiday hehehe Love her) Dad came to join mum after his work..But we already checked in.
After Check in

Our plane..Emirates

On the plane

Christ buddies..who faithfully waited 2 hours for us at the airport...and greet us with the warmest of smiles..load our bags to the car and zoom us to seafood heaven !!!!

Went for Ice cream after seafood..chatted alot ..reached Christ's sis house at 3am..and unload the luggage to our rooms..within minutes..both went ZzzZZzzzz
My 10 days in Indonesia ...To Be continued....
HALLO!! ure back! yeah~~ hehe. :) yah. cant wait for ur pics too!
ShioK hOrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait to see ya Soon~
majong majong!
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