Ytd after work, the plan was to go down to Meritus Mandarin to meet Mr Santoso and go for 7:20 at Cathay Cineleisure...
I reached Somerset trainstation at 6:45- EARLY! En route to Meritus, I rcved an sms from Miss Selfridge, they are having a mega sale at Wisma from 7pm -9pm that very evening! Cool, I excitedly brisk walk/jog to the store. Couldn't believe my eyes. Miss Selfridge & Dorothy Perkins were shop in Wisma Atria is closed on Thursday evening! Whats more crazy is there's a Snakelike queue forming outside the 2 shops. Being a very typical auntie and my liking for clothes from Miss Selfridge, I joined the que.Hahaha & 5 minutes into queing, I looked behind me to find that the number of people behind me is about the same as those infront of me. How CRAZY! 6:58, they opened the doors to Dorothy Perkins, 40% from the que went there. But not me, I faithfully stayed on and rushed in at 7pm~ I browsed quickly due to time constraints(gotta rush for movie & I know Mr Santoso is in Wisma alrdeay Gosh) Grabbed 2 tops and went to the cashier..big big discount 1 top was $66 - After a 50% discount-there's an additional 15%. Got it at $28 ~~~~~~

I walked out of the shop , satisfied with what I've accomplished and found Mr Santoso at the door grinning at me with the' you are fast! ' expression. And we brisk walked/jog to catch 'What Happen in Vegas'. Totally fantastic. I love that show~~~~~~~

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